It's a sunny spring day here

... and all the cats are lying in the sun ... exposing their nether parts to the fresh air. Sigh. So much dignity around here, you could cut it with a knife.


anne marie in philly said…
lucky cats! humans should have a life that easy!
meg said…
Anne Marie - take off your pants and lie on your back in the middle of the living room, and you too could live like a cat ... heehee.
Julie said…
Ha! Around here we call that cat pose "SlutCat". I can just see it in my mind.
anne marie in philly said…
meg - not like I don't do that already!

(heh heh heh)
JustApril said…
Bob & Phyllis said…
::long-time lurker....

heh. You've never been owned by a basset. That's the ONLY way they lay in the sunshine--flat on their backs, pr0nographically toasting all their nether bits in the sun. (we call them the great speckled bellied suncatchers, as opposed to the lesser speckled bellied suncatchers)

We usually have sunbeam turf wars between the basset (down to 1 now) and the cats

they DO look oh-so-comfortable, though...


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