So I lost track of time a little bit

I meant to post these photos on Tuesday, but Tuesday was a day of great activity chez Sock Knitters. The Fool worked at home so he could deal with the arrival of several people. They all arrived at once.
The air conditioner guy came and told us our air conditioner is getting old and will need to be replaced soon and the reason it doesn't seem to work with the thermostat is because there is a dead mouse blocking a critical circuit. He performed an expensive mousectomy and now everything works great. He was going to hose it off for us, but couldn't, because....
The well and pump guys were here and had turned off the water to work on the pump and stuff. They replaced a water tank for us before it rusted out completely and caused a Very Expensive Pump Problem, or so the Fool summarized. Now the water doesn't go "thunk-thunk-thunk" whenever we run it for more than a few minutes, and the annoying whistling from the faucets has stopped.
Then more guys came by to deliver some new living room furniture. We have this tradition, where on each wedding anniversary, we replace a piece of old, cruddy furniture. In 2006, we decided to replace the couch. Last week, we found the things to replace it. I had to take the Fool to the furniture store and install him on each couch to ensure it was the right length.
Here he is, demonstrating proper fit for a couch and a tall guy. He is holding a hemp shopping bag I'm trying to knit in purse stitch, despite its unwillingness to produce the proper number of stitches per round. I'd say 'hell with it,' and find a simpler pattern, but this is a kit I bought at MS&W and dammit, I'm going to knit the stinking pattern I paid for. After I finish blogging, I'm going to look up purse stitch in Barbara Walker and see if I can make better sense of it. It's just not clicking with me yet.

Here's the Sockapalooza socks I first tried to knit. This pattern, while cool, doesn't work. I couldn't see what was going on.

This one seems better, although badly lit. Sorry about that.

Finally, here's Angus, the Bubblewrap Savage. Little sweetie.


Dorothy said…
People looked at us a little strangley when we shopped for our last couch. My 6'2" husband had to lay down on every one to see if it fit. I've been reading your blog for awhile but have never commented - I really enjoy it. Not sure I'd want to share stash with my hubby, though!
meg said…
You know, I'm 5-foot-5-inches, and pretty much every couch in the world is fine for me, but I had no idea how much difference a couple inches makes when you're more than six feet tall. I made J. lie down on every couch we even remotely liked, and we had to rule out about half of them because they were too short.
Anonymous said…
I thought we were the only ones who had to perform the "tall guy sofa test". Even worse is I'm 5'2" and better half is 6'3" so we can never agree on sofa proportions - arms, seat depth, etc. Now that I think about it I did get what I liked so long as he could lay(lie) down on it. I'll never complain again - okay not really but...
Franklin said…
For the two of you to get any more idyllic out there, you'd have to hire friendly woodland animals to gambol in the front yard and carry around your balls of yarn.

One of my ex-boyfriends was 6'5" to my 5'4". To fit into my old full-size bed he had to stretch diagonally from corner to corner, leaving me my choice of the upper triangle or lower triangle.

He couldn't even sit on my couch. I felt like a Smurf.
meg said…
Franklin - you have a funny idea of 'idyllic' if it includes removing dead mice from air conditioners and writing big fat checks to plumbers....

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